Traditional arts in full swing! An evening in Dogo Traditional Performing Arts in Dogo

Enjoy four traditional Japanese performing arts at once!

This content-packed program features four traditional Japanese performing arts in a sort of medley format—Kyogen theater, Ozashiki dance, Wadaiko (Japanese drum), and Jidai Geki Buyo historical dance, all within 70 minutes. The program is designed to be enjoyed even by those who have never had the opportunity to appreciate traditional Japanese performing arts before. In the mini-experience corner, three people will be selected by lottery to try out vocalization exercises with a Kyogen performer and dance as taught by a Geiko. Audio and video recording will be permitted during the event. Although eating and drinking are usually prohibited during traditional Japanese performing arts, drinks will be available during this program. The venue is the Noh stage on the 4th floor of the Yamatoya Honten store in the heart of Dogo Onsen, so the theatrical atmosphere of Noh will make the experience all the more exciting.

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