Tokyo | Intensive Noh Masterclass

Step onto the stage and experience the drama of Noh theater, a centuries-old performing art

Theater steeped in spiritual traditions

Austere, meditative, and steeped in spirituality, Noh Theater is one of Japan's oldest performing arts and a recognized UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. Characterized by masks that carry a multitude of emotions within a single carved expression, Noh performances consist of rhythmic chanting, slow, measured movements, and an iconic stage adorned with a painted pine tree that mimics outdoor structures.

In this Noh Masterclass, you will receive a comprehensive introduction to the world of Noh - from its history to performing styles, masks to costumes - from a 4th-generation Noh performer at his private residences. Walk across the sacred stage, witness performances up close, and experience the indescribable elegance of Noh Theater.


Location Name

Nakano City, Tokyo (detailed address will be provided after booking)

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