Hiroshima Prefecture Fukuyama Castle Stay

A deluxe two-day, one-night adventure immersed in the history and culture of Fukuyama Castle Park, complete with exclusive rental access to cultural assets

This one-of-a-kind experience of history and culture is exclusive to Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture
1. Fukuyama Castle Lord Experience
 Step inside the castle grounds and be transported back in time. The park is full of traditional arts, historic buildings, and other intangible assets for you to explore.
 Take a glimpse into a bygone era brought back to life with the newly reconstructed 400-year-old Castle Lord's Bathhouse. The bathhouse sauna evokes the steam baths of old, and the entire bathhouse itself is inspired by the Edo period.
 Finally, your "Castle Lord Feast" dinner will feature food showcasing all the rich produce that Fukuyama has to offer.
2. Fukuyama Hotspots Experience
 Fukuyama is home to many charming and historic towns, such as Tomonoura and Kannabe Honjin. It also features many traditional arts like Noh.

 Customize your Fukuyama Castle Lord experience beyond the basic itinerary at Fukuyama Castle Park to include any of the above.
 Your concierge will tailor your stay based on your specific requests, and Fukuyama Castle Park, along with all of its facilities, will be at your complete disposal.



Location Name

Fukuyama Castle Museum (main keep), Tsukimiyagura (inside national historic site), Oyudono (inside national historic site), Fukuju Hall (national registered tangible cultural property)

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