A Gongen Noh Experience Limited to Overnight Guests: Special Noh Theater Performance at a World Heritage Site & Workshop to Learn About Noh with a Living National Treasure

A special nighttime Noh performance marks the opportunity to view the hidden Buddha statues held at Zaodo Hall in Kinpusenji Temple, which are the largest hidden Buddha statues in Japan.

- This year, a Noh performance limited to an audience of 100 people will be held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Yoshino's registration as a World Heritage Site.
- Participants attending the Noh performance will be able to witness the special viewing of Kongo Zao Daigongen, the largest ""hidden"" Buddhist statues in Japan, which are held in Zaodo Hall at the National Treasure and World Heritage Site, Kinpusenji Temple.
- At night, Zaodo Hall at Kinpusenji Temple will be privately booked out for staging Noh, a traditional Japanese performing art which is UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. It will be performed by Living National Treasures Bunzo Otsuki and Genjiro Okura.
- The Noh play performed will be ""Taniko,"" which expresses the profundity of the Shugendo mountain ascetic faith. This special nighttime performance can only be experienced on this date, in this place.
- On the following day, participants can take part in a workshop to learn the traditional Japanese performing art of Noh theater, taught by Living National Treasure Genjiro Okura and Kiyomasa Kanze. This workshop is only available for the 30 guests staying at Yoshino.

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